Rambla Principal nº 10 bis, 1º 3ª, Vilanova i la Geltrú


  • Vull posar de manifest l'excelent qualificació professional que caracteritza tot el seu equip, així com destacar un tracte personal implacable. Gràcies per la vostra dedicació.

    Yolanda Tor Colomar Avatar Yolanda Tor Colomar
    31 maig, 2021
  • I can only say after 34 years as a patient, first with the father and then with the children I saw running around, that they are like family to me. The professionalism, experience, sympathy, humanity and an administrative, hygienist and nurse who are cracks.

    Eva González Llop Avatar Eva González Llop
    26 juny, 2023
  • Great professionals and a magnificent team. I absolutely recommend them. They make you feel very comfortable.

    Toni Varon Avatar Toni Varon
    26 juny, 2023
  • The Álvarez Guasch brothers are knowledgeable about the latest dental techniques. Which gives us peace of mind about the excellent generational change that has occurred in this consultation. An added value of this office is the possibility of support from a professional in the field of Psychology, as support if necessary to the anxiety that we sometimes suffer when we go to the dentist.

    Felisa Hernández Avatar Felisa Hernández
    2 juny, 2021
  • Authentic professionals, nothing to do with what is found in chains or franchises of supposed dental clinics. I don't play with my health. Thanks to the entire team for the service and treatment received.

    22 març, 2022
  • They tell you everything they are doing to you and try at all times not to hurt you, they are up to date and they are very close, I am delighted with the dentist!

    Ana García Avatar Ana García
    31 maig, 2021
  • Gran equipo de profesionales . Muy buen trato y atención personalizada. Se agradece mucho el ambiente familiar .

    Mon Lopez Avatar Mon Lopez
    31 maig, 2021
  • The truth is that I have been in this clinic for 30 years, oh more, extraordinary care, an exceptional team, my family and friends also go to this clinic, I do not change dentists.

    Reme Caras Avatar Reme Caras
    26 juny, 2023
  • Very well

    Olfa Bent Avatar Olfa Bent
    30 juliol, 2022
  • Good service, as a hypochondriac I can guarantee that it minimizes pain and the professionals there are offering confidence and peace of mind to the patient Absolutely recommended.

    Joan-Vicenç Gómez i Urgellés Avatar Joan-Vicenç Gómez i Urgellés
    31 maig, 2021


Un implant dental és un element dissenyat imitant la naturalesa per substituir l’arrel d’una dent…
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L’ortodòncia pretén col·locar les dents rectes sobre les seves bases òssies aconseguint una bona…
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Odontologia estètica

L’odontologia estètica ens permet corregir aquests petits defectes que ens impedeixen gaudir del…
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La salut bucal és Una part important dins de la salut en general del nen, per això és…
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La periodòncia és la branca de l’odontologia que tracta les malalties dels teixits que…
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Quan el nervi d’una dent està inflamat o presenta infecció serà necessari realitzar…
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Trastorns de l'ATM i bruxisme

Existeixen una sèrie de malalties relacionades amb l’articulació temporomandibular o ATM…
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Radiologia Tridimensional

Des de l’any 2010, en la nostra clínica disposem de radiografia digital en 3D. Aquesta eina ens…
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